We CFMSS, work in partnership with the local Church buildup and strengthen the faith of the laity with a special emphasis on strengthening families, especially the youth as propagated by Pope Francis.
Regular visit to the families, teaching of Catechism, preparing for the reception of Sacraments, supporting and reconciling broken families, empathetic listening, guidance and counseling, encouraging for family prayers, directing for retreats, seminars, Sunday classes, encouraging priestly and religious vocation, teaching life skills and the importance of hygiene etc.
CFMSS work in partnership with the local Church. They present themselves happy and contented and ready to serve. They clean the Church, deck the altar, decorate especially
on feast days, regular catechism on Sundays from KG to 12th, reading lessons, choir practice, conducting Bible quiz, arranging seminars and workshops, taking them to care centers like orphanages, old age centers, giving them leadership programmes, recitation of Rosaries and Novenas, conducting of camps on occasions, Bible festivals and seminars on importance topic time to time.
CFMSS accompany the youth through various programmes like camps, seminars, Sunday schools, BCC/SCC, Jesus Youth, Choir sessions, Bible classes, retreats, meditations and prayer sessions. We try to inculcate in them various life skills, value based choices to think critically and individually, to apply knowledge for everyday life, continually strive for excellence in every field, to become men and women of character to use their freedom judicially and to be unselfish in serving others. Spiritual accompaniments make them grow in faith and discerning their vocation in life. Through prayer and meditation they learn to love silence and quiet moments and leading them to appreciate every gift of life. Visit to the old age homes and caring centers inculcate in them the love for the poor and keep company with the less fortunate. They also grow in social awareness in healthy relationships, refined manners, clear in self expression, transparent and accountable. They learn to grow in confidence, in conscience formation, compassion and commitment, collaboration and co-operation, in mutual trust and sharing.