
The spirituality of the CFMSS is based on the life of Christ, especially on his self-emptying love in his Incarnation, passion and death and above all, in the Eucharist. A fire with passionate love of Jesus, Seraphina yearned to immolate herself to the Trinity in union with the Divine victim, being offered in the Eucharist: We tread on the path shown by our patron saints – St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare of Assisi, who in turn were the source of inspiration for our Foundress Venerable Mother Seraphina Farolfi.

  • St. Clare

    whose Rule we profess, guides us on the mystical journey of gazing upon, considering, contemplating and imitating Jesus in the Eucharist. As daughters of St. Clare, the sisters are to grow in intimacy with Christ, daily contemplating the Sacrament of Love, feeding their souls with the Word of God and the Liturgy of the Hours. One’s apostolic fruitfulness is to be borne through interior silence, growing intimacy with the Eucharistic Lord amidst one’s daily chores, intercessory prayer and acts of penance.


    As followers of St. Francis, they are to carry on the evangelical mandate to proclaim the Good news by the sermon of their life, words and actions, and expand God’s Kingdom by their life of prayer and penance. They have to sow seeds of peace, harmony and wellbeing with a view to build communion of hearts among people of diverse background, culture and faith, and foster ecological balance, after the example of the Poor Man of Assisi.

  • Mother Seraphina

    Mother Seraphina drew from the Eucharist nourishment for her soul and the strength and power to carry out her arduous mission. Her first thought on waking was Jesus present in the tabernacle; her first act of the day was to offer herself as a victim in union with the sacrificial lamb on the altar; her day was a continuous act of reparation and immolation with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.


    The patroness of the CFMSS “The Virgin Mary” bearer of the mysteries is the model of fidelity and self-giving.